The UK Now Has Its Own Illegal Rubberized Cybertruck on the Road

“The Cybertruck’s weight, stiff structure, and sharp design have raised valid concerns,” she tells WIRED. “Any loophole allowing these vehicles onto [UK] streets needs to be quickly closed.” “It would be hugely disappointing if a backdoor were to be opened which allowed vehicles bringing an increased risk of harm to UK streets and roads,” agrees…

Former ByteDance Intern Accused of Sabotage Among Winners of Prestigious AI Award

A former ByteDance intern who was allegedly dismissed for professional misconduct, including sabotaging colleagues’ work, was announced as a winner of one of the most prestigious annual awards for AI research this week. Keyu Tian, whose LinkedIn and Google Scholar pages list him as a master’s student in computer science at Peking University, is the…

Tips for ChatGPT’s Voice Mode? Best AI Uses for Retirees? Our Expert Answers Your Questions

Thank you so much to all the readers who tuned in live to participate in the second installment of our question and answer series focused on artificial intelligence. I was thrilled to see so many questions come in before the event, as well as all the questions that were dropped into the chat during our…

Harvard Is Releasing a Massive Free AI Training Dataset Funded by OpenAI and Microsoft

In addition to the trove of books, the Institutional Data Initiative is also working with the Boston Public Library to scan millions of articles from different newspapers now in the public domain, and it says it’s open to forming similar collaborations down the line. The exact way the books dataset will be released is not…