New York Times Says OpenAI Erased Potential Lawsuit Evidence

Lawsuits are never exactly a lovefest, but the copyright fight between The New York Times and both OpenAI and Microsoft is getting especially contentious. This week, the Times alleged that OpenAI’s engineers inadvertently erased data the paper’s team spent more than 150 hours extracting as potential evidence. OpenAI was able to recover much of the…

How Best to Use ChatGPT, Gemini, and Other AI Tools? Our AI Expert Answers Your Questions

What are the key differences between ChatGPT, Claude, Gemini, Copilot, and other top AI tools? Which one is best? How deeply should you be concerned about AI systems using your personal data? Are the reported inaccuracies and biases of the AI platforms really as bad as what I read? Earlier this month, we asked you,…

The Man Behind Amazon’s Robot Army Wants Everyone to Have an AI-Powered Helper

Unlike other robots, Proxie’s battery can be swapped out to avoid downtime charging. Cobot declined to say how much Proxie costs to buy or lease, but mobile robots often cost tens of thousands of dollars a piece. The robots work alongside humans, taking turns moving carts and navigating busy spaces without running into anyone. Porter…

The US Patent and Trademark Office Banned Staff From Using Generative AI

The US Patent and Trademark Office banned the use of generative artificial intelligence for any purpose last year, citing security concerns with the technology as well as the propensity of some tools to exhibit “bias, unpredictability, and malicious behavior,” according to an April 2023 internal guidance memo obtained by WIRED through a public records request….

A US Ban on Investing in Chinese AI Startups Could Escalate Under Trump

The more certain short-term impact is that US investors who are still interested in Chinese AI startups will have to do a whole lot more due diligence. The Treasury Department is not setting up a new government committee like CFIUS that will review every transaction investors submit, and is instead asking them to do their…

The New Hatred of Technology

People have never been better, here in the Year of Our Simulation 2024, at hating the very forces underlying that simulation—at hating, in other words, digital technology itself. And good for them. These everywhere-active tech critics don’t just rely, for their on-trend position-taking, on vague, nostalgist, technophobic feelings anymore. Now they have research papers to…